3 results for month: 03/2017
Folks . There comes a time where one can only take so much . My intent was to not turn this into a blog . It has been an opinion oriented and informational website . With the success of my son , there is much that comes along with that - both good . . . . and . . . . . bad . I will address the bad of it . I will try to be as ...
Now don't all of you get your eggs in an uproar ! This is totally fixable . I spoke of " changing the culture " in my interview with the Cubs Insider guys . I feel very strongly about this . And extremely passionate that , as far as hitting goes , I am 100 % right in what I am doing . After all , I have waited 25 FRIGGIN YEARS ...
I am NOT surprised by the overwhelming response to my Cubs Insider interview with Evan Altman and Brendan Miller . I AM surprised that even with the evidence squarely planted in front of their faces , some coaches and instructors still refuse to believe what they see ! There is so much material out there that it is becoming ...