Why is Commissioner Rob Manfred trying to speed up the game

–   why is Commissioner Rob Manfred trying to  ” speed up the game ”  when we are taught from the very beginning that we need to  ” slow it down ?  ”

–   why do some instructors teach to ” swing DOWN to make the ball go UP ? ”

–   why do we DRIVE on a PARKWAY and PARK on a DRIVEWAY ?

–   why do coaches want their hitters to hit the ball on the GROUND when 75 – 85% of all balls hit on the ground are outs and 74% of balls hit in the AIR are hits ?

–   why do coaches tell their pitchers to ” get me a ground ball ” and then tell their hitters the very same thing ?

–   why is a pitch that is 2 inches out of the strike zone a STRIKE but a batted balled that is 2 inches foul not a FAIR ball ?

–   why do we review BATTED BALLS but we DO NOT review a PITCHED BALL ?

–   why do we consider the ball is juiced when batters are hitting a lot of home runs but we don’t hold the pitcher to the same standard when he is striking out a lot of batters ?

–   why is this game so biased towards the pitcher instead of the hitter ?

–   why don’t we change the game to make 3 balls a walk and 4 strikes a strikeout then ?

–   why don’t we make the plate 21″ wide instead of 17″ wide if the umpires are constantly giving 2″ off the plate both inside and outside ?

–   why don’t we use the Electronic Strike Zone when we know that it is near perfect ( 99.65% ) and the best umpire in the game is far worse ( 87.1%  according to K Zone which measures their performance )

More to come . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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